Mycoses are diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms (fungi). The disease does not pose a mortal danger to a person, but it causes discomfort and is difficult to treat. Most often, people with weak immunity, hormonal imbalances, and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules are most susceptible to infection. Treatment of the fungus sometimes lasts for 3-4 months using a whole range of drugs. To enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs, doctors prescribe traditional medicine recipes. The key to successful treatment is early diagnosis of the disease. In the early stages, mycoses are more easily amenable to the action of antifungal drugs.
Variety and symptoms of dermatomycosis
Science knows thousands of varieties of fungi, but only a few hundred of them are pathogenic to humans.

Types of microorganisms that cause athlete's foot:
- trichophytons;
- dermatophytes;
- candida.
The first signs of mycosis are quite difficult to recognize. The way the fungus looks on the legs depends on the type of microorganism that affects the soft tissues.
Intertriginous form
The most common type of fungal infection. It occurs in the summer, when the sweating of the legs is increased. The folds in the interdigital space are the first to suffer, later the infection captures nearby areas and the nail plate.
First signs:
- dry skin between fingers;
- cracks and sores;
- severe itching and burning;
- peeling and discoloration of the epidermis.
squamous form
This type of fungal infection affects the underside of the foot. The skin looks rough, corns, keratinized areas, deep cracks appear. When walking, a person experiences pain.
The disease progresses rapidly, captures the surrounding area and the nail plate. In advanced cases, the nail changes color, shape and begins to collapse.
At the first suspicion of a fungal infection, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and treatment.
Dyshidrotic form
This type of fungus is rare. The first symptoms are watery multi-chamber vesicles with cloudy contents on the skin. In place of bursting formations, ulcers appear, which combine into continuous erosion.

The main danger of this form of mycosis is the addition of concomitant infections. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the wounds, provoking other dermatological diseases. In the absence of timely therapy, large areas of the legs are affected. It becomes very difficult to cure mycosis.
The main route of infection transmission is contact. If you do not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, you can become infected through household items that the patient uses. Exfoliating particles of the epidermis, along with the causative agent of the disease, remain on shoes, towels, at the locations of the infected. Once on the surface of the skin of a healthy person, the fungus begins to actively multiply.
Spores of a pathogenic microorganism can survive in the environment for many months until they get into favorable conditions. Public places - swimming pools, showers, baths, saunas, locker rooms in gyms - pose a great danger of infection.
To avoid infection, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene: change socks daily, wear comfortable shoes in which the feet do not sweat, after washing, dry the interdigital space well with a towel.
Treatment of the fungus with medications
An important factor in getting rid of cutaneous mycosis is the examination and timely treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Getting rid of the fungus is quite difficult. You will need a whole range of drugs for external and systemic action. First you need to determine the type of pathogen. This can only be done in a specialized laboratory.
Ointments, creams
This type of drugs has a high ability to penetrate deep into the affected tissues, reaching the mycelium.
Antimycotic ointments are divided into 2 types:
- Azole. Suppresses cell growth, destroys mycelium. The course of treatment with azole ointments usually lasts about a month;
- Allylamine. It has a detrimental effect on yeast and mold fungi. This type of ointment has an antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effect. Refers to inexpensive, effective means. The course of therapy is usually 3 months.
Benefits of ointments:
- no harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
- local use allows you to maximize the impact on the pathogen;
- versatility of use for the treatment of skin and nail fungus.
Features of the use of antifungal ointments:
- before applying medicines, the feet should be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel;
- the drug is applied to the affected surface with a thin layer, rubbing movements;
- avoid getting the medicine on the mucous membranes - nose, eyes, mouth;
- follow the instructions for use and the recommendations of a dermatologist.
For more effective treatment of advanced mycoses, systemic therapy is prescribed together with external topical preparations.
Tablets for the treatment of severe forms differ in the active substance:
- based on ketoconazole. It is prescribed for the treatment of superficial mycosis, which is not amenable to treatment with topical agents. Destroys yeast, dimorphic fungi and dermatophytes;
- Based on terbinafine. Acts on dermatophytes;
- Based on griseofulvin. Acts on dermatophytes. It prevents fungi from multiplying and destroys cell walls. This drug has an increased toxicity, so modern medicine is gradually replacing it from the pharmacological market;
- based on fluconazole. Tablets belong to the group of azoles. Help to quickly get rid of the disease.
Together with the treatment of a fungal infection of the feet, drugs that stimulate the immune system and vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed to better fight the disease.
Treatment at home with folk remedies
It is possible to remove the fungus with the help of alternative medicine recipes only in the early stages or in combination with pharmacy products.
Before starting self-treatment at home, you should undergo an examination and consult with your doctor.
A universal antiseptic has not only a bactericidal effect, but also an antimycotic one. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas at night. Before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of iodine is applied to the bend of the elbow. If after a few hours there is no redness of the skin, burning or itching, you can use this method. Before going to bed, a foot bath is made, after which the skin is well wiped with a terry towel. In order not to cause a chemical burn, iodine must be diluted with medical alcohol 1: 1. With a cotton swab, a thin layer of the solution is evenly applied to the places affected by the fungus. Cotton socks are worn over the top. Also, for prevention, nail plates are processed.
You can make an effective "talker" based on iodine:
- Grind to powder 14 antifungal tablets;
- Mix with 100 ml of 1% Dimexide and leave in a dark place for a day;
- Add 10 ml of iodine and vinegar essence.
Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and stir thoroughly before use. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Hydrogen peroxide
Another well-known antiseptic that helps fight the manifestations of the fungus on the legs. The solution is used in the form of applications applied to problem areas. Ten minutes twice a day will be enough to overcome mycoses in the early stages in 5-10 days.
Baths for steaming the legs with the addition of peroxide are considered useful. It is diluted 1: 1 with water. The solution is small, but it is needed only to place in it that part of the foot that is affected. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes. The liquid should not get on healthy skin, because it strongly dehydrates soft tissues.
The medicinal plant successfully treats many skin diseases, including mycoses. Decoctions are used for compresses and baths. If it is possible to get a freshly harvested plant, then you can try to cure the fungus with fresh juice.
To do this, tear off the bush, wash it in running water. Prepare the legs - steam out, scales are removed. Yellow juice appears on the cut of the stem. They lubricate the affected surfaces. With self-treatment with celandine at home, you should be extremely careful. This plant is poisonous. Its juice can cause severe skin burns.
For steaming, a decoction of 5 tbsp is prepared. l. herbs per 1 liter. boiling water. The solution is infused in a container with a tightly closed lid for 20 minutes. After that, a foot bath is done.
Apple vinegar
An acidic environment will help remove the fungus, in which it cannot multiply and exist. Apple cider vinegar is used in the form of foot baths and applications.
If the affected area is small, then it is enough to soak a cotton pad or piece of cotton fabric with an aggressive substance. In case of extensive spread, healthy areas of the skin are smeared with a greasy baby cream for protection, and a sock soaked in vinegar is put on.
With it, acidify water for foot baths. After such steaming, the skin is thoroughly dried and other drugs of natural origin or pharmaceutical preparations are applied.
Other home treatments
Traditional medicine offers a variety of tips for getting rid of the fungus and its manifestations. Such funds are easily prepared independently from the components that are available in any home.
Homemade ointments:
- Mix equal proportions of yellow sulphur, copper sulfate and goose fat in an enameled container. Bring to a boil over low heat and transfer to a glass jar. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Apply daily in the morning and at night to the affected areas of the skin;
- Add wood ash to goose fat. Stir until smooth. Lubricate problem areas with a mixture twice a day;
- Mix butter with chopped garlic. The resulting mass is applied to the affected skin at night.
Prepared ointments according to the recipe of traditional medicine have a positive effect only in the case of the initial stage of the disease. With advanced mycoses, they are used in combination with tablet preparations.

- Onion-garlic. A medium onion and 2 cloves of garlic are crushed into a pulp. The mixture is laid out in a thick layer on the skin, covered with a plastic bag, fixed with a bandage. A cotton sock is put on top. The procedure is carried out before going to bed. In the morning, the compress is removed, and the feet are washed with warm water and soap. This method will help to cope with the disease in 7-10 days;
- Celandine with tea tree oil. 1 st. l. chopped herbs are mixed with oil until a pasty substance is obtained. It is abundantly applied to the area of localization of the fungus and insulated, as in the previous recipe;
- Herbal compress. In a saucepan, mix 400 ml of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. herbs comfrey, peppermint, calendula and radiola. Heat the mixture over low heat to 50-60 degrees. Insist in a dark, cool place during the day. Remove dry ingredients through a sieve or cheesecloth. With an oil mixture, compresses are made in the evening for 1-2 hours. The safe action of the recipe allows you to use it in childhood.
Before any medical procedures, you should steam your legs for 15-20 minutes.
- The most common and simple solution for steaming consists of 1 tbsp. l. table salt or sea salt, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 liter. water. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Then the legs are washed with warm running water and dried;
- Brew strong coffee, cool and immerse your feet in it for 5 minutes. After that, rinse with water;
- Pour two liters of boiling water over a mixture of herbs: 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, horsetail, flax seeds. After cooling to a tolerable temperature, you should soar the feet in the resulting broth for 15 minutes.
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, in order not to get sick, you should take some precautions.
Tips to help avoid infection:
- wear natural, high-quality shoes in which the foot does not sweat;
- in places of public visit (baths, saunas, showers, swimming pools, locker rooms) it is obligatory to wear replaceable rubber slippers;
- use only personal shoes;
- maintain immunity.

Foot fungus is an insidious disease. It's easy enough to get infected, but hard to get rid of. Usually people start the disease due to the fact that mycosis does not appear immediately. You should be attentive to your body and seek medical help at the first suspicious symptoms.